Tuesday, September 23, 2008

.... men.

So, newsflash. I'm a young women and as such a have complaints about boys. Go figure. With that warning aside, let's get venting.
I have to admit, I've had two pretty lengthy/serious crushes. Both long distance, fake, and served no purpose other than distracting myself from how alone I am. Pathetic isn't it? What can I say, I never dated in high school, I never meet people unless I meet them online or through my one local friend (who meets them online)... so naturally, I'm alone, miserable and single more than anything else. But you know, I think I'd rather have an imaginary boyfriend then go out with a bunch of losers who just want to get some. Well, you tell me, which is better. I'd love some feedback.
Anyways, my friend has introduced me to one of her friends. It's only been a couple days, but we seem to be getting along just fine. Sometimes I put a little too much hope into these sort of things, but this actually has the potential to be real, which is more than I can say about any previous "relationship" I've ever had. So, why not be happy about this? Why not be hopeful that it will turn into something solid? I've longed for something solid my entire life. My biggest want and need is to be loved (and I mean more than family and friends).
Well, it's settled then. I will pursue this and see where it goes. I'm 19 for crying out loud, I need some sort of experience!!!
Ok, I'm done venting now :P


Daytrippingmom Media said...

Hi I hope you don't mind that I stalk your blog from time to time. I'm Katie's sister in law Aracely- I like your posts and although it was 13 years ago that I was 19 years old - it brought back memories of the frustrations with boys. I personally would rather have some imaginary boyfriend than some guy that just wants to get frisky. I think it's perfectly fine to get a little excited/hopes up when you meet someone that you seem to hit it off with. If you didn't then there is probably no chemistry there. Hope it works out!!


Val said...

Thanks Aracely. I didn't know you read my blog... makes me feel all special. You definitely have a good point though. Imaginary boyfriends are safer, but at the same it's nice to actually go out with someone you can look at with your own eyes.

Katie said...

You know Val, I was dating a certain "Skankey" person when I was 17. I look back at that and I think to myself..."What the crap was I thinking?" Right now I can totally say that I would have much rather had no boyfriend as compared to that loser...but back then, I thought it was fun. I thought he was funny and interesting. So was it a waste of my time? I don't think so. It sure did teach me a thing or two about dating really immature guys, that are still somehow too old for me (he was 23). And yet, by 19 I was dating another immature guy, Matt, but the difference for me was that I had already filtered out all the bad qualities that I didn't care for, and I still had the funny and interesting.

I think you DO need to date, and date a lot of different people. So what if you meet some of them online, they are people in person, aren't they? I will say what I have always said, just be SAFE. Stay away from losers that are too old, because quite frankly, if they are too old, and hang out online all day until they get a 19 year old to go out with them, what do you think they are after??? Don't stress, Val. You are beautiful and funny, and a good person. Just take each guy and each date, or whatever, as an opportunity to get to know someone, and like Aracely said, see if you hit it off. DON'T EVER FORCE YOUR FEELINGS!!!! It should be natural... and at the same time, there is a fine art to giving guys a chance to open up. But if they try to get some nookie before getting to know you well enough, kick 'em to the curb sista! They need to respect you too! I love you!

Natalie Reynolds said...

Hey Val....I just stumbled onto your blog (didn't know you had one) and I wanted to comment on this one. You know my dating history...ummm 1 guy for the most part. We met we dated we broke up we got back together we married then divorced. Do I feel like my time was wasted? NO! absolutly not. Everything in life is an experience. It helps shape us into who we will become and want to be. Loose the imaginary guy idea and get out and date real guys. You will find good ones, sleezy ones, friends, and eventually THE ONE. You will have guys who treat you right and ones that will do anything to get what their "biology" wants. The key is to be yourself and know that you have a voice. don't be silent about what you expect, deserve, and want. You are a beautiful young woman and should have many experiences so you can learn what is important to you in life.